Give Aid to Orphaned and Vulnerable Children

Your contribution supports Catholic institutions that serve
children who are orphaned, vulnerable or experiencing poverty.

Sleeping child

Join us in serving God’s children and sharing God’s love.

Many children in Nigeria are experiencing homelessness, poverty and hunger, and extreme inflation in the region has made it difficult for those already experiencing poverty to provide for their families. Join us in support of Catholic institutions who are working to protect, provide and share the love of Christ with the most vulnerable among them, children.

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The Lives We Are Changing

We have provided support to Catholic organizations aiding orphaned and vulnerable children since our founding in 2017. Our initial goal was to prevent the doors of Divine Providence Home from closing. With that goal met, our ministry has extended to beyond the walls of the orphanage, also providing aid to children experiencing extreme poverty in areas surrounding the home.

A girl smiles and holds a baby
A teenage girl holds a baby and baby formula
A teenage girl smiles and hugs other children
Two boys sitting together

Our causes

A religious sister smiles as she holds a baby

Sheltering Ogoja's orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children

Donations to our organization have kept the doors of Divine Providence Home open since our founding, covering the home’s entire operating expense and funding major improvements. This has allowing the sisters to focus on caring for the orphaned and vulnerable children brought to them, without worry about whether then can afford to do so.

Founder Muji Kaiser smiles next to a woman holding a young child

Supporting Mothers in Caring for their Children

Most of the mothers who give birth at Catholic Maternity Hospital are impoverished and struggle to afford even the basics for their newborns. We provide support to these mothers by donating clothing, diapers and other essentials to help them in caring for their little ones.

A religious sister smiles and hands baby formula to a young girl holding a baby.

Providing Nourishment to hungry Children

To help alleviate the area's child hunger crisis, we have collaborated with Divine Providence Home to provide food and formula donations to malnourished children in areas surrounding the orphanage and their families.

Food and Formula Program
Catholic Maternity Hospital
Divine Providence Home

Our impact by the numbers

It brings us great joy to show donors the impact of their contributions.
See Our Impact

Over 200 children saved and sheltered.

1 orphanage transformed into a home with over 50 children currently in their care.

3,000+ lbs. in donated childcare essentials.

Our Story

Growing up, my mother always emphasized the importance of helping the impoverished in our home country of Nigeria. We were fortunate enough to emigrate to the United States when a childhood illness nearly took my life, a privilege that most ailing children in Nigeria do not have.

After my mother passed away, I founded the Okaja Foundation in her memory and since 2017, we have aided children who are in need of a home or experiencing extreme poverty.

My life was saved by the grace of God. I now aim to give Him thanks by partnering with the community of the faithful to change the lives of children who are vulnerable and in desperate need of aid.

Muji Kaiser
Founding Director

Learn more about our founder

“Muji visits the orphanage every year, maintaining a close relationship with sister and the kids, and assesses how to help them in their most pressing needs.

I appreciate that my children are able to be a part of the giving. They regularly follow the updates from the Okaja Foundation, and pray for their brothers and sisters in Africa. Above all, the most important thing is given to these children, and that is the manifestation of the love that God has for each and every one of them”

Julie Zepeda

Donor since 2019

Give aid to the children

Your gift helps save and change the lives of children experiencing homelessness and extreme poverty.


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